The fortress of Bergamo

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The Fortress

strategic importance

Construction work for the fortress began in 1331 on the hill of Sant'Eufemia, under the orders of Guglielmo of Castelbarco, were continued and completed by the successor Viscontis to the power of the territories of Bergamo.
Aware of its strategic importance in military chessboard that saw them opposed to Venice, In the following years, the Viscontis further fortified the fortress in order to strengthen the defenses of the city.
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In order to to increase its defensive function, in addition to the Rocca, San Giovanni il Nuovo was built on the hill military complex, the Citadel, according to a defensive project which saw the two works integrated into the same function and enclosed the old city in a fortified enclosure. The Citadel was an imposing and very vast work, including the part built on the San hill Giovanni, still usable, is also the area located to the west now occupied by the episcopal seminary.
Around the middle of the 1400s the Republic of Venice raised the round tower. After construction of the walls, the fortress was transformed into arsenal and the first one was placed there gunpowder factory. Sold in part as a stately residence from French, with the Austrians it hosted a barracks and therefore a prison. Around 1927 The Common subjected the complex to a radical recovery intervention. At the start, in the building once used Bomber School, were placed ancient finds then transferred to Archaeological Museum, later around 1960, the Museum of the Risorgimento, currently with a different setup of the Historical Museum of the City, the destination remained unchanged.
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