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It has been an independent state since 1962 within the Commonwealth, Jamaica occupies one surface area of approximately 10,994 square kilometers ed it is surrounded by a crystal clear sea and splendid beaches. The capital of the island is Kingston, the official language is English. The major tourist attraction in Jamaica is Negril with its streets crowded with market stalls they sell natural food and the artisans who display their carved wooden objects a few steps from the sea.
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Monetary unit

Long Bay beach is the longest in the country at 11 kilometres, bordered by coconut palms, calm sea, coral reef and white sand. the climate is clearly tropical while the time zone is 5 hours less I respect Italy. The Currency is the Jamaican Dollar the Protestant Religion for 60% of the population. For entry formalities we remind you that your passport must be valid for at least 6 months.    

typical souvenirs of the island of Jamaica are the wooden sculptures made with the national tree, the 'lignum vitae', as well as straw products such as hats, baskets and mats.

Kingston the capital.
Considered dangerous by local authorities and tourists from all over the world, it is necessary to select the areas to visit, avoiding the peripheral districts and the most crowded places. To visit the Bob Marley Museum , the National Gallery of Jamaica , the Botanical Garden of Hope and Lime Cay , Beach off the coast of Port Royale.

Montego Bay
is one of the main cities of Jamaica and is also considered a true Caribbean paradise, it is also called the capital of tourists from all over the world, it has a wonderful bay.

in Jamaica crime is very high. As a rule, thefts, assaults, rapes and other abuses occur on a regular basis sexual. In the main tourist areas, people traveling are assisted by the police. Precautionary measures are recommended, especially in Kingston, give up visiting the poorest neighborhoods of the city and inquire about the place at contact persons on site or in the hotel regarding the local situation and clarify which other areas are to be avoided. observe the utmost caution in city centres. Operate only with licensed taxis bearing the JUTA (Jamaican United Travel Association) designation or car with white and red license plate, do not bring valuables and keep only a little cash with you. You must be careful when withdrawing money from ATMs, sometimes they are tampered with for illicit purposes. Do not resist in the event of an assault for the purpose of theft, as there is a strong predisposition to violence. Criminals do not hesitate to kill.

The climate in Jamaica is tropical, with hot and humid weather, although the higher inland regions are more temperate. Some regions of the south coast are relatively dry rainy areas. Jamaica is located in the hurricane belt of the Atlantic Ocean; consequentially, the island sometimes suffers significant storm damage.

Natural Hazards
From June to November, the country is usually subject to severe hurricanes. In extreme cases hurricanes can cause flooding and damage to infrastructure e traffic may suffer temporary inconvenience.
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