Dominican Republic
Located in Central America, the Dominican Republic occupies an area of 48,730 km2. with a population of about 8,950,034 inhabitants formed by 73% mulattoes, 16% of European ancestry, 11% of African ancestry. The capital is Santo Domingo, the language in use is Spanish, the religion is 95% Catholic. To enter the country for a stay of up to 90 days,
all Italian tourists must have a valid passport, without a visa.
![dominican republic caribbean dominican republic caribbean vacations](dominican-republic/caribbean.jpg)
![last minute dominican republic caribbean vacation dominican republic caribbean](dominican-republic/vacation.jpg)
time zone
The time zone in the Dominican Republic is four hours less than the Greenwich meridian, or five hours less than in Italy. There is no daylight saving time in the Dominican Republic. Electricity in use, 115-125V AC, 60Hz, US style plugs with two and three flat blades; in some areas there may be repeated power outages as many days as possible
even last 12 hours.
Tropical classic characterized by local temperature variations. The month of August is very hot and muggy, during the month of january the climate is slightly more pleasant. To remember the two rainy seasons, from October in May along the northern coast and from May to October in the southern part of the island. In the Dominican Republic precipitation is not light as in Hawaii or Central America, but rather tends to fall in the form of heavy downpours that can last up to half a day. The hurricane season usually corresponds to the period between June and September, however remember that these atmospheric phenomena are not frequent.
Mostly international cuisine is served in the hotels, but in the capital Santo Domingo there there are many excellent restaurants to enjoy one of the best cuisines in the Caribbean. The national dish is the ''sancochò', a stew prepared with different types of meat; the ''chicharrones'', chicken and fried bananas, are excellent. Among the drinks, in addition to the excellent beer and numerous tropical fruit juices, try the cocktail a Dominican rum base.