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Surrounded by ancient walls the old city of Cartagena called 'Ciudad Amurallada' is made up of numerous streets, squares and buildings that still retain theirs today colonial and historic era charm. Built starting from 1553 by the Spanish Don Pedro de Heredia with walls four kilometers long overall and even 12 meters high in some points to avoid the the course of history the attacks of pirates and buccaneers, Cartagena Bay offers the tourist splendid streets, churches, palaces and colonial houses.


Popular tourist destination in recent years, for its colonial charm and for its natural beauties Cartagena belongs to the state of Colombia and is considered the gateway of Latin America. Protected by one of the most suggestive bays on the continent, it rises partly on a group of islands corals. In addition to the beautiful beaches, you can go to the islands in front to enjoy truly a natural feel of the Caribbean landscape.    

Visits - Excursions - Gastronomy
To visit during your stay: the 'Plaza de los Coches' where the slave market was once hosted, 'Plaza de la Aduana' where you can admire the statue dedicated to Christopher Columbus, the 'Convento de San Pedro Claver' built on three floors and surrounded by a large portico by the Jesuits in the 17th century, 'Plaza Bolivar' with the fantastic 'Museum of Gold' the 'Palacio de la Inquisición' and the 'Cathedral' built in 1575 with a characteristic wooden altar gold. As for leisure and entertainment, 'El Laguito' and 'Bocagrande' are the main beaches of Cartagena lined with numerous clubs and animated by the typical 'Palenqueras', the tropical fruit sellers with baskets placed on their heads. In the evening you can enjoy the gastronomic specialties in one of the many clubs in the city, have fun in a disco or go to the famous Cartagena Casino.
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