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Aegean Sea

The splendid Kos is located in the south-eastern Aegean and is the third largest island in terms of size of the Dodecanese archipelago with 228 sq km and about 20,000 inhabitants. The island of Kos has excellent tourist facilities for offer peaceful and at the same time worldly holidays, the sandy beaches are shaded by trees which they reach the sea, numerous monuments present in memory of all past eras. Stretched towards Turkey, Kos offers numerous beaches in a relaxing and friendly setting atmosphere full of charm.
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Kos town, formed by about 8,500 inhabitants, it rises in the plain that extends along the northern coast, in the central square a museum is located, not far away is the huge and ancient plane tree where Hippocrates school is said to have held. For the visit of the Island of Kos the rental of a bicycle or a moped is recommended, among the places to see we point out the Doric temple of Aphrodite, the ruins of the ancient city, the Archaeological museum, the Castle of the Knights of San Giovanni, The bridge, which connects the Palazzo dei Cavalieri with the plane tree of Hippocrates, the village of Kardamena famous for Melons and Watermelons as sweet as honey, the beach of Kefalos as well as clearly the natural beauties to be discovered.
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Among the other urban centers we point out Mastichari, a coastal tourist resort, from its port the ferries to Kalymnos, to visit the remains of an early Christian church. It follows the small agricultural village of Antimachia, Kefalos former capital of the island with the cave 'Aspri Petra', Pili famous for the ancient domes and the Tompa of Charmilou, the small hill village of Zia and the other tourist spots of Kardamena, Marmari e Tigaki. Among the beaches equipped for bathing on the island of Kos we point out Aghios Stefanos, Kamari, Polemi, Lagades, Kamila, Limnionas, Aghios Theologos, Paradise, Chrisi Akti, Kamari, Sun beach and Xirokampos. In the northern part Paraskeva, Labi and Faros, while in the southeast Psalidi, Thermes, Aghios Fokas and Paradisi. Among the most beautiful Tigaki, Aghios Ioannis and Kefalo.
Connections are ensured by planes departing from 'Eleftherios Venizelos' airport towards the airport of kos Ippokratis which is about 23 km from the capital.
The island can be reached by sea with departing hydrofoils and ferries from Athens - Piraeus and from Thessaloniki. They also exist minor maritime lines that allow connections with the islands of Astipalea, Kalymnos, Nissyros, Naxos, Paros, Syros, Lesvos, Limnos, Samos, Chios, Leros, Patmos, Rhodes, Symi and Amorgos.
In recent years tourism has become the main resource of the island thanks to the excellent climate, to the wonderful beaches and archaeological monuments. The Island of Kos has lush vegetation, fertile plains with numerous crops and livestock breeding, splendid sandy beaches and a truly enviable climate. Famous for being the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, the island holds many archaeological finds from the classical, Hellenistic and Roman periods. Stretched towards Turkey, Kos offers numerous beaches in a relaxing and friendly atmosphere full of charm. The city of Kos, formed by about 8,500 inhabitants, rises in the plain that extends along the northern coast, For the visit of the island it is recommended to rent a bicycle or a moped, among the places to see we point out the Doric temple of Aphrodite, the Archaeological museum, the Castle of the Knights of St. John, the village of Kardamena famous for Melons and Watermelons as sweet as honey, the beach of Kefalos as well as clearly the natural beauties to be discovered.
General Information
The island of Kos is characterized by lush, fertile vegetation plains with numerous crops and cattle farms, beautiful sandy beaches and a truly enviable climate.
The city of Kos, rises in the plain that extends along the northern coast, equipped with modern tourist facilities, it offers peaceful and at the same time worldly holidays. To visit the island it is recommended to rent a moped.

Visiting period
Spring, summer and autumn are the best times for a tourist stay.

Recommended summer clothing with cap and glasses to protect from the sun, in autumn and spring possibly equip themselves of a sweatshirt or sweater.

To visit
In the capital of the island, the ruins of the ancient city, The Castle of the Knights of St. John which dominates the city from above is the most significant monument of Kos, The plane tree of Hippocrates, where the doctor taught his pupils, the bridge that connects the Castle of the Knights with the plane tree of Hippocrates, the Archaeological Museum, the Temple of Asclepeion and the beautiful ruins, which arise not far from the city of Kos. In Mastichari the Paleochristian church, the characteristic village of Zia located on a hill. The cave of Aspri Petra near Kefalos and the Ancient Domes in Pili. Also interesting is a visit to the village of Kardamena famous for the melons and the Sweet watermelons like honey, the beach of Kefalos as well as of course the natural beauties to be discovered.

Time zone
The time in Kos is one hour ahead of Italy.

The most beautiful beaches are considered to be those of Kefalos, Tigaki and Aghios Ioannis, other interesting beaches can be found south, southeast and north of the island.

Kos airport is 24 km from the main city, frequent flights of the airline Olympic Airlines connect Athens.
The island of Kos is connected by ferries and hydrofoils to the others islands of the Dodecanese as well as Piraeus and Thessaloniki.
Hippocrite's Plane Tree
Don't forget during your stay to visit the ancient large plane tree located near the central square not far from a meseo, where legend has it that the great doctor Hippocrates taught his pupils in the shade of the leaves. In this place once stood a medical center and a medical school where Hippocrates professed. Although the tree is certainly one of the oldest in Europe, it is unlikely that it dates back to the time of Hippocrates.
Among the archaeological finds scattered throughout the island and the innumerable testimonies of the classical, Hellenistic and Roman periods found during the excavations, we remember the ruins of Asklepion, which arise not far from kos town, the houses of the Roman period and the splendid mosaics, the early Christian churches with precious frescoes. In the capital of the island, the ruins of the ancient city, the Castle of the Knights of San Giovanni which dominates the city from above is the most significant monument of Kos, the bridge that connects the Castle of the Knights with the plane tree of Hippocrates, the Archaeological Museum, the Temple of Asclepeion. In Mastichari the Paleochristian church, the characteristic village of Zia located on a hill. The cave of Aspri Petra near Kefalos and the Ancient Domes in Pili. Motherland of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, due to the importance of its archaeological sites the island of Kos is second only to Rhodes.
The first inhabitants of the island of Kos were the Carèi who organized themselves into villages, then the Minoan Cretans, after having occupied it, ruled until the 15th century BC. C. when it was the turn of the Mycenaeans of the Peloponnese who remained there for about three centuries. In the fifth century BC. C. after the liberation from the Persian occupation it was part of the Athenian League. During this period Kos became an important administrative center which lasted until the 6th century AD. C. when it was razed to the ground by a strong earthquake. The father of modern medicine Hippocrates was born in 460 BC. C, Charlemagne conquered the territories in 336 a. C., followed by the Ptolemies of Egypt, then the Romans who led it to a period of decay. During the following Byzantine period Kos regained its former glory. The Knights of St. John of Rhodes occupied the island in 1315 and remained there until 1522, the year in which the Turks began their domination. In 1912, during the campaign to conquer Libya, it was occupied by the Italian government. In 1933 it was destroyed again by a strong earthquake and only ten years later the reconstruction of the city began again modern. Since 1948 it has been definitively annexed to Greece.

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