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One of the most beautiful panoramic points of the city of Florence is Piazzale Michelangelo, which enjoys a beautiful view towards the famous Ponte Vecchio. Also worth visiting is the historic centre, Piazza Santa Croce and the church of the same name with i tombs of illustrious men such as Michelangelo and Galileo, the Leather Exhibition, of which Florence washed it is famous in the world and visit the Accademia Museum, with the famous statue of David by Michelangelo. Also worth seeing are Piazza della Signoria, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and the magnificent dome by Brunelleschi, the Baptistery and Giotto's Bell Tower.
tourism florence

of visit

Regarding tourism a Florence the recommended visiting periods are the months of April, May and June, or autumn during the low season, as the climate is mild and the prices of the hotels are low. During the summer, however, the climate is too hot and the tourist places are too crowded with visitors.    

The climatic conditions of cities are generally affected from its geographical position in the river basin, protected by the hills to the south and the slopes of the Apennines to the north. During the summer period the conditions favor one strong humidity and high temperatures with maximum temperatures around 31°C. The short winter period instead results cold and often damp with average temperatures in January from 1°C to 10°C and rare snowfall.

To use urban transport bus tickets can be purchased at tobacconists or ATMs of the main stops, they must be obliterated at the start of the journey. There are also tickets valid for 70 minutes, 24 hours, three days and season tickets. For those coming from Amerigo Vespucci airport a bus connects the city center with runs every half hour to the airport. There is also a rail connection between the station and Galileo Galilei airport.

Middle Ages
Capital of Italy after the unification of Italy and long under the rule of the Medici family, Florence was an important economic, cultural, commercial and financial center in medieval Europe.

In particular the current Tuscan capital comes considered as the place of origin of the Renaissance and is recognized throughout the world as one of cradles of art and architecture, with its numerous historic buildings, monuments, and rich museums, including the Uffizi Gallery, the Accademia Gallery, the Bargello and the museums inside the Palace Pitti like the Palatine Gallery and many others, it is renowned as one of the most beautiful and important cities in the world.

Among the characteristic and historical monuments we remember Piazza della Signoria in the heart of Florence, with the majestic Palazzo Vecchio, with the gallery of sculptural masterpieces in the Loggia dei Lanzi and the nearby Uffizi Gallery, one of the most renowned art museums in the world. Not far away is the religious center of the cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, with its majestic dome, one of the largest built, which at the time of the Grand Duchy, it was claimed that its shadow could cover all of Tuscany; the enormous Duomo is magnificently accompanied by Giotto's Bell Tower, one of the most beautiful in Italy, and from the Baptistery of San Giovanni, with the famous bronze doors between which stands out the golden door of Paradise.

Old bridge
The Ponte Vecchio in Florence is unique in the world, with the characteristic jewelers' shops in the houses build on it. Crossed by the noble Vasari Corridor, it is the only bridge in the city having passed unscathed through the Second World War.

Among the religious architecture and churches in Florence, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is worth visiting, Santa Maria Novella, Baptistery of San Giovanni, San Lorenzo, Santa Croce, Orsanmichele, La Certosa, San Gaetano and the Church of Santa Felicita.

It should also be noted that the Historic Center of Florence, located within the circle of the marked avenues on the old medieval walls, it was listed in the World Heritage List in 1982 during the sixth session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

The spiritual concentration of the city remains the Piazza del Duomo with the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore flanked by Giotto's Bell Tower and fronted by the Baptistery of San Giovanni with the doors of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Heading north is Michelozzo's Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, the Basilica of San Lorenzo by Brunelleschi, with the precious sacristies by Donatello and Michelangelo inside. Beyond the Museum of San Marco, with the masterpieces of Beato Angelico, the Accademia Gallery which houses, among other works, also Michelangelo's David and the Piazza della Santissima Annunziata with the Brunelleschi's Loggia of the Innocents. To the south of the Duomo is the political-cultural center of Florence with Palazzo Vecchio and the nearby Uffizi Gallery, near which the Bargello Museum is located and the Basilica of Santa Croce. Crossing the Ponte Vecchio you arrive at the Oltrarno district with the palace of Palazzo Pitti and the Boboli Gardens. The Basilicas are worth seeing in this area of Santo Spirito by Filippo Brunelleschi and of Carmine, with frescoes by Masolino, Masaccio and Filippino Lippi. To the west of the Duomo we find the imposing Palazzo Strozzi, currently home to major exhibitions and prestigious cultural institutions as well as the basilica of Santa Maria Novella, with the facade designed by Leon Battista Alberti. The wonderful panorama of the historic center can be admired from Fort Belvedere, from Piazzale Michelangelo with the Romanesque Basilica of San Miniato and from the hill of Fiesole.

Characteristic of the city, the symbol on the coat of arms and on the banner of the Giglio of Florence, adopted by the city since the 11th century. Currently the lily is represented by the color red on a white background although in ancient times the colors they were reversed right in reference to the color of the irises "Iris florentina". The current ones date back to 1251 when i Ghibellines, in exile from Florence, continued to flaunt the symbol of Florence as their own. It was then that the Guelphs, who controlled Florence, distinguished themselves from their own opponents by reversing the colors which have remained until the current era.

The language of the illustrious Florentine dialect was indeed the language in which Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio, considered three of them, wrote the greatest Italian writers. Of course, it was also the cultured language of the city of Florence, esteemed for its cultural prosperity over the centuries and for its splendid architecture. From this dialect was born modern Italian, chosen above all for the cultural prestige it brought.

Among the museums worth seeing, the Uffizi Gallery, one of the most famous and important art galleries in the world, with an incomparable collection of Florentine Renaissance art and not only that, which includes among other things the largest collection of Botticelli's paintings, Palazzo Vecchio, Vasari Corridor, Palazzo Pitti, Bargello National Museum, National Museum of San Marco and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure Museum.

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