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The most important stopovers and airports in Africa are, Kenya Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Morocco Casablanca Mohammed V Airport, Namibia Windhoek International Airport, South Africa Port Elizabeth Airport Cape Town International Airport - Cape Town, Durban International Airport, Johannesburg International Airport, Tunisia Tunis Carthage Airport.
egypt africa holidays
tunisia africa


Luxor is one of the most important tourist destinations in Egypt with its wonderful monuments. Egypt has a hot and dry climate most days of the year. In winter, especially in the months of December, January and February, the average temperature measures around 20°C on the Mediterranean coast and up to 26°C in Aswan, while the maximum reaches 31°C and 50°C respectively . The wind called 'Khasin' which blows from March to April in the Western Desert sometimes reaches 150 km per hour. The most important places for bathing are Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada and Marsa Alam.    

Tourists can stay in Tunisia for three months without needing a visa. The low season is from January to February, when hotel rates are low and the weather is cool and rainy, while the high season is from June to August. The climate is typically Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. The island of Djerba for its magnificent beaches of fine sand, it is an interesting destination for a holiday.

Morocco due to its location in the north of Africa , has four geographical characteristics: it is an Atlantic, Mediterranean, North African and Saharan country. An entry visa is not required for Italian citizens, upon arrival in Morocco a stamp with a validity of 90 days is affixed to the passport. The main holiday resorts are Marrakech, Tangier and Agadir. Do not overlook Casablanca and the capital Rabat.

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