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News Malpensa airport


News, information and news at Malpensa Airport, local news, flights, travel, holidays and the latest news.
Climate and weather forecast of the area.
Generally the climate and weather in the Malpensa airport area present very high humidity throughout the year, especially in the winter months during the night in all seasons. Despite the rainy days becoming less frequent, as well as the phenomenon of fog, even if the annual rainfall totals have not changed much.

Overall, the Malpensa area has a typically temperate climate of the middle latitudes. The weather presents generally cold and very humid winters. The hot and humid summers, decidedly muggy and poorly ventilated. However, summer is also affected by some thunderstorms and warm and stormy days are possible conditions normally linked to worsening from the west which temporarily attenuate the heat, the months between June and August are fairly rainy.
Precipitation in the Malpensa airport area is moderately high and relatively well distributed over the year: intermediate seasons are also rainy especially mid-autumn and spring, minus winters with a reduction in rainfall to a minimum of 40mm in February. Precipitation is slightly lower in the southern suburbs and greater in the north-east.
In recent years the autumn seasons have seen a decline in precipitation and of the haziness of the weather situation. The meteorological phenomenon of fogs is favored by clear skies, which allows the cooling from radiation, both from superficially moist soil, which is typically poor ventilation of the western Po Valley and by particular winter baric configurations like the high-pressure regimes that tend to occur particularly at this time of year present themselves with a certain frequency, consequently influencing the climate and the weather.
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