Citadel of Bergamo

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Citadel of Bergamo


That is what remains of the famous citadel of a fortification that the Viscontis had it built when they imposed their lordship over Bergamo. In originally a fort was built on the hill of San Giovanni, where the Seminar, which was then joined by the great building called Hospitium Magnum,
intended to the garrison, the armory and the stores. A complex that had more the task of garrisoning the city that the defense against external enemies.

The construction of the Citadel was later used to the home of the Venetian captain and its great spaces continued to be used to store supplies of cereals and for warehouses. During the period of French domination and with the Austrians military use continued but with a progressive deterioration, which the restoration ended between 1958 and 1960, where he came from returned the building its appearance native to. Later the Museum was established in the Citadel Civic of Natural Sciences Enrico Caffi and the Civic Archaeological Museum. The first is known for the presence of very ancient ones fossils, including the deer discovered in 2001 in Val Borlezza, which has been preserved for 700,000 years, and one of the oldest flying reptiles never found, dating back to about 220 million years ago, discovered in a quarry in Cene, in the Seriana Valley.
They are collected in the Archaeological Museum finds from Bergamo and the Bergamo area ranging from prehistory to the early medieval age. Of particular interest the frescoes of a Roman domus came to light in Bergamo Alta, in via Arena. Not far from the Cittadella, to the side of the Venetian powder magazine, there is the Garden Botanist Lorenzo Rota, who offers a beautiful view of the Upper Town and where it is possible to observe native species, exotic, Mediterranean, aquatic, carnivorous.
Between the Citadel and the houses in the centre Piazza Mascheroni, dominated by the historical town, is located from the Campanella tower, with clock dating to 1520 when it was built to concentrate the mercantile activities
with the name of Piazza Nova. Negotiations took place under a loggia which was later incorporated in an eighteenth-century palace. In the center of the square stands out the marble band of a well fed by a large cistern, which was built after construction of the walls to ensure abundant water supplies in case of siege. Civic Museum of Natural Sciences Enrico Caffi. Visiting times vary depending on the winter or summer period.
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