Venice Tessera Airport Weather

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Venice Airport Weather

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Climate and weather forecast at Venice Tessera Airport.
The Weather and climate are typical of the Po Valley of Venice are mitigated by their proximity to sea in the minimum winter temperatures, 3 °C on average, and in the maximum summer temperatures, 24 °C on average. In general the climate can be considered transitional between the continental and the Mediterranean, the rainfall they reach maximum rainfall in spring and autumn and are frequent summer storms.

During the winter, snowfalls are not uncommon, normally the snow tends to melt quickly, however it often freezes at night, which also affects the waters lagoons of the more internal areas, in particular the high humidity can cause fog in the cold months and muggy in the hot ones. Also worth mentioning the main winds such as the Bora which blows from the NE dominant in the winter and spring months, the Scirocco from the SE, in summer and, less frequently, Libeccio SW, locally called Garbìn.

As far as the climate and Weather are concerned, we must remember the characteristic phenomenon of high water, generated by the combination of two main factors, the regular alternation of the tides combined with a compound meteorological cause by the combination of wind and atmospheric pressure on the sea mass, high tide alone does not generate high water: it is the superposition of these factors that, combined with the astronomical tide causes the water level to reach higher altitudes in a less predictable way. The rise of water above the tidal level is a normal phenomenon in a closed basin like the Adriatic Sea and the wind that favors it, it is not so much the Bora common in Venice but the Scirocco which acts longitudinally over the entire mass of water in the Adriatic. The opening of the port inlets, increasing the water exchange channels between the lagoon and the sea, has amplified the phenomenon which in the past was an extraordinary event for the city. Furthermore, there were also numerous landfill works in parts of the lagoon such as the creation of Porto Marghera, or the Tronchetto Island, they reduced the volume of water that can be invaded and therefore modified the behavior of the tides.
High water
The term acqua alta refers to particularly pronounced tidal peaks in the Venice lagoon, such as to cause flooding in the urban area. The phenomenon is frequent especially in the autumn-spring period, when high tide arrives to flood a large part of the city, making travel in the urban center difficult.
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