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Flight attendant


Staff specialized in assisting passengers on board aircraft, in checking boarding passes and in services on the plane, the flight attendant possesses calm and gentle manner to reassure passengers at all times and make the journey convenient and comfortable until the end of the itinerary and the arrival of the destination.
Flight attendant hostess

Different airlines have different physical requirements to pursue the profession of flight attendant the profession of flight attendant, among major requirements, in general you must have a passion for traveling and meeting new people, a height between 157 cm and 188 cm, excellent knowledge of written and spoken English, have a friendly and sociable personality, flexibility and willingness to work in shifts; be able to swim 25 meters unaided, predisposition to relations with the public to provide an excellent service to customers.
hostess Flight attendant

Each airline selects the personnel for assistance on board the aircraft and places them among the crew members as a flight attendant, providing their professional training through special courses.
Among the airlines that have the highest number of flight attendants we mention, American Airlines Group, Delta Air Lines, United Continental Holdings, International Airlines Group, Southwest Airlines e China Eastern Airlines. In Europe, the Lufthansa Group, Ryanair, Air France-KLM and easyJet stand out.
Among the busiest routes by number of flights we mention, Kuala Lumpur - Singapore, Hong Kong-Taipei, Jakarta-Singapore, Hong Kong-Shanghai Pudong, Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur and Seoul Incheon-Osaka/Kansai.

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